Advancing Equity through Assessment of Student Learning Initiative


The purpose of the Advancing Equity Through the Assessment of Student Learning initiative is to make equity a lens through which we approach assessment, from prioritizing courses and programs to determining measurement instruments and intervention strategies, and to identifying opportunities to improve and renew assessment processes and policies at a systemic level. Faculty are invited to take part in four-semester assessment cohorts, serving as leads for courses that were prioritized based on equity gaps, student success rates, and enrollment volume.

The faculty leads of courses prioritized each semester comprise the cohort which is facilitated by a faculty Cohort Lead. Professional development focuses on equitable student learning outcomes, assessment and analysis methods, and high-impact teaching practices. The four-semester cycle of the initiative will involve collaborating with department colleagues to:

Cohort Lead Role

Serving as the Cohort Lead is an opportunity to support a cross-disciplinary group of faculty through a structured process of outcomes assessment and professional learning, with a lens of equity in teaching and learning. The main goal of the Advancing Equity through the Assessment of Student Learning Initiative is to foster a culture in which assessment is used to enhance student learning and close equity gaps. 

Potential Faculty Cohort Leads will submit an application for consideration, and these applications will be reviewed by a cross-functional team. Faculty cohort leads may be full-time or part-time faculty in the bargaining unit.  The Student Learning Assessment and Advisory Committee serves as the selection committee.  The following selection criteria is used for determining  cohort leads:

Preview the application contents here.

An Assessment Faculty Cohort Lead shall be appointed for a term of six semesters. Every such term will begin on the first date of the first semester in Year 1 and conclude on the last date of the final, sixth semester. Faculty Cohort Leads are not required to be on campus during the summer. For semesters 1-4, Faculty Cohort Leads will lead an assessment cohort in the Advancing Equity Initiative. For semesters 3-6, the Faculty Cohort Lead will also support up to 6 assigned departments/programs in their course assessment efforts. For semesters 5 and 6, Faculty Cohort Leads will not support an assessment cohort but will only continue support of their assigned departments/programs.

Provisions will be made for each Assessment Faculty Cohort Lead to have adequate secretarial and copying help. Compensation stipend rates shall be consistent with the protocols set forth in the Supplemental Assignment Chart. Faculty within the tenure process will be ineligible to serve as a Faculty Cohort Lead.


Within the Advancing Equity Through Assessment Initiative, in support of their assessment cohort

During semesters 3-6, serve as an assessment liaison and resource for routine course assessment processes for up to 6 assigned departments/programs, with support including



Additionally, Assessment Faculty Cohort Leads will serve on the SLAAC committee.


It was agreed that Faculty Cohort Leads will be compensated at a rate equivalent to the Voluntary Overload Rate for 3 contact hours per semester (e.g. $1,000 x 3 = $3,000 for Fall 2023).

Course Lead Role

Course Lead Application Preview 

Serving as the Course Lead of a high-priority course is an opportunity to lead and coordinate analysis of student learning among faculty regularly teaching the course. It is the college’s intention to provide faculty with the professional development, time, space, and support needed to  support a process of outcomes assessment and professional learning, with a lens of equity in teaching and learning. The main goal of the Advancing Equity through the Assessment of Student Learning Initiative is to foster a culture in which assessment is used to enhance student learning and close equity gaps.  

The Assessment Faculty Cohort Lead will solicit volunteers for Assessment Faculty Course Leads from within the group of faculty who regularly teach the course being assessed. The AST will identify Faculty Course Leads from those who indicate an interest in serving. An Assessment Faculty Course Lead shall serve for a term of two (2) years. Every such term will begin on the first date of the first semester in Year 1 and conclude on the last date of the final semester in Year 4. Assessment Faculty Course Leads are not required to be on campus during the summer. Provisions will be made for each Assessment Faculty Course Lead to have adequate secretarial and copying help. Compensation stipend rates shall be consistent with the protocols set forth in the Supplemental Assignment Chart. Faculty within the tenure process will be ineligible to serve a Faculty Course Lead.


• Complete Equity Assessment professional development modules

• Attend Assessment Cohort meetings (2-3 each semester)

• Engage faculty teaching sections in assessment process

• Facilitate development of assessment plans

• Facilitate assessment activity with faculty teaching sections of course

• Facilitate assessment conversations with faculty teaching sections of course

• Draft assessment reports


 It was agreed that Faculty Course Leads will receive compensation equivalent to the L2S2 hourly rate, not to exceed 18 hours per semester unless approval is given by the Assistant VP of TLSD to exceed the maximum.

 It was agreed that particularly for courses taught by a large number of faculty, it may be necessary for more than one Faculty Course Lead to serve in a given area.

 It was agreed that the task of “report writing” would be broken out and compensated separately at the existing supplemental chart pay rate of $50/hour for a total of two hours.

Advancing Equity Assessment Cohorts

Spring 2025 Cohort

Cohort Lead:  Nina Ulman (History and Political Science)

Course leads:

Fall 2024 Cohort

Cohort Lead: Meghan Staskal-Bradt (Adult Basic & Secondary Education)

Course leads:

Spring 2024 Cohort

Cohort Lead:

Course leads:

Fall 2023 Cohort

Cohort Lead: Sarah Stupegia (English)

Course leads:

Spring 2023 Cohort

Cohort Lead: Jeannie Anderson (English)

Course leads:

Fall 2022 Cohort

Cohort Lead: Rebecca Eller-Molitas (ESL)

Course leads:

Spring 2022 Cohort

Cohort Lead: Liddy Hope (Human Services)

Courses Leads: 

Fall 2021 Cohort

Cohort Lead: Erin Vobornik (ESL)

Course Leads: