CETAL Programs and Events
Time to explore and gain experience with varied topics and strategies, such as using AI programs.
Small groups of faculty studying a particular topic together over a semester and trying out strategies and providing feedback.
Mentoring program that pairs two faculty together for a semester to regularly meet and discuss self-identified goals
Community of faculty analyzing their student success data and responding with varied strategies.
A professional development program to guide new full-time and part-time faculty to campus resources and teaching approaches
Asynchronous online courses in the summer offered through the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE)
Online group of faculty and administrators each reading a text they choose and sharing their responses
An annual multi-session event in which colleagues from across ECC share teaching strategies and methods of student support
One-day Teaching Retreat providing dedicated time and space for faculty to focus on a particular teaching document and/or practice
Semester-long program that organized faculty into groups for non-evaluative observations and self reflection
Time and space to talk about and pose questions related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in teaching.
Workshops that focus on different teaching approaches and emerging practices, vary each semester
Registering for Workshops and TeachECC
To register for CETAL programs (unless directed in the description to a separate form), go to the Learning Library page of eTalent. The eTalent Learning Library and Learning Calendar displays each semester's CETAL programs. All sessions are free of charge.
See the eTalent portion of the ECC Electronic Platforms page for more detailed instructions, including video tutorials.
Registering ahead of time through eTalent ensures that the course shows up on your transcript and helps for logistical preparations.
Retrieving Your Transcript to Apply for Lane Movement
To retrieve a transcript for any professional development opportunities completed Spring 2021 and after, you can access your transcript via eTalent.
From eTalent Learning
Select the Reports tab.
Then, select your transcript.
See the eTalent portion of the ECC Electronic Platforms page for more detailed instructions, including video tutorials.
To retrieve a transcript for any courses taken Fall 2020 and before,
Go to the accessECC Portal.
Click either the Employee tab.
Under the “Employee Apps” menu choose “Self-Service,” and select “Grades.”
Suggesting a Program Topic or Requesting a Program Be Approved for CETL Lane Movement Credit
To suggest a topic for a workshop, please either contact Tyler Roeger at troeger@elgin.edu or (847) 214-7696, or use the CETAL Program Proposal Form below.
For those seeking CETL lane movement credit be provided for an upcoming, already planned ECC program (such as a faculty development workshop organized within a division or department), please submit information via the CETL Program Proposal Form included below. The Associate Dean of CETAL, Tyler Roeger, will then follow-up with more details.
Please note that for a program to be eligible to include CETL lane movement credit, it must meet the following criteria
The program must have written learning objectives
Information should be submitted to CETAL at least one month in advance of the session
So that participation can be included in faculty’s eTalent professional development transcripts, attendance must be taken
CETL lane movement credit cannot be included for events in which
Faculty receive compensation for attending
Faculty receive qualifications towards teaching a specific course