Course Assessment Process
Course Assessment Process
1) Faculty teaching the course choose what outcome(s) you'd like to assess and why: what questions do you have about student learning in the course? what are you hoping to learn?
For collecting student work/data in the summer or fall
discuss with department colleagues and record in the Learning Improvement Report by May 15 the semester before.
For collecting student work/data in the spring
discuss with department colleagues and record in the Learning Improvement Report by December 15 the semester before.
Faculty teaching the course being assessed
led by the IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
2) Identify how you can gather evidence of student learning on the outcome chosen: what assignments in the course most align with the outcomes chosen? How are those assignments collected and graded?
For collecting student work/data in the summer or fall
discuss with department colleagues and record in the Learning Improvement Report by May 15 the semester before.
For collecting student work/data in the spring
discuss with department colleagues and record in the Learning Improvement Report by December 15 the semester before.
Faculty teaching the course being assessed
led by the IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
3) Determine what support what would be helpful. For instance, consult with CETAL and the Dean's Office about support needed for collecting the student work across sections: will you be using D2L? What will help you to coordinate the collection of information? Document your plan in the Learning Improvement Report.
Connect with CETAL and your dean's office at any time during the assessment process.
The IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
4) Collect student artifacts/assignments that you've aligned with the outcome(s) and instructors' ratings of student work.
Throughout the semester, based on your plan.
Faculty teaching the course being assessed
led by the IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
5) Compile the data and determine the best way to foster a conversation among faculty. Consult with CETAL and the Dean's Office for any support needed with data collection and subsequent discussion(s) with the teaching faculty and department.
Connect with CETAL and your dean's office at any time during the assessment process.
The IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
6) With other faculty, interpret the assessment results: What do you observe? How do you understand the data? What additional information would help to make sense of it? What do you think is a necessary response? Document your discussion, what you learned, and what you'd like to do in response in the Learning Improvement Report.
For student work/data collected in the summer or fall
discuss with department colleagues and record in the Learning Improvement Report by May 15 the semester after you collected data.
For student work/data collected in the spring
discuss with department colleagues and record in the Learning Improvement Report by October 15 the semester after you collected data.
Faculty teaching the course being assessed
led by the IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
7) Make any needed changes: adjust how students are guided to prepare for an exam, add scaffolding to the project, build in time for students to provide feedback to each other or meet with the instructor.
Whenever you are ready to implement changes. You can start with small curriculum and teaching changes or with major changes. Plan with colleagues and any help from CETAL and move forward.
Faculty teaching the course being assessed
led by the IC or department-assessment point person
supported by an ECC Faculty Assessment Liaison
supported, as needed by CETAL (includes the Manager of Outcomes Assessment)
Assessment Point People
Assists With
Coordinating the full assessment process: timelines and reporting
Completing the Learning Improvement Report
Data collection with the D2L Standards Tool and Tableau
Assessment Cohort Leads/Assessment Liaisons
Refer to current assignments on this chart.
Assist With
Determining questions to guide assessment and choosing what outcomes to assess
Interpreting assessment data and identifying ways to respond with teaching and curriculum interventions
Learn more about these faculty leaders here!
Assists With
Leading the Student Learning Assessment and Advisory Committee (SLAAC)
Collection and interpretation of ECC General Education Outcomes Data
Assists With
Collection and interpretation of ECC General Education Outcomes Data
Who represents my division on SLAAC? Current membership
Instructional Coordinators
Assist With
Coordinating department assessment efforts by leading conversations throughout the process
Recording assessment plans, results, and response in the Learning Improvement Report (LIR)
Academic Dean's Office
Assists With
Coordinating department assessment efforts by supporting ICs to coordinate departmental meetings
Provide feedback on assessment plans, results, and response in the Learning Improvement Report (LIR)
Meeting individually with facuty, departments, or divisions to brainstorm assessment projects, interpret data, and consider teaching and curriculum interventions
Assessment Strategy Team
Assists With
Creating vision and strategy for course and co-curricular outcomes assessment
Tyler Roeger, Associate Dean of CETAL, and Heather Martin, Assistant Dean of CETAL
Assist With
Planning and facilitating the Advancing Equity Through the Assessment of Student Learning Initiative
Meeting individually with facuty, departments, or divisions to brainstorm assessment projects, interpret data, and consider teaching and curriculum interventions