ECC Teaching Pairs Mentoring Program
All faculty are invited to participate in ECC Teaching Pairs, a one-on-one faculty mentoring program that will pair faculty together, as mentor and mentee, throughout a semester. ECC Teaching Pairs is inspired by a mentoring program previously initiated by ECC math faculty that the college has sought to expand under CETAL.
The goals of the program are to:
Provide faculty, especially those new to teaching and online learning, with consistent ongoing opportunities to discuss teaching and professionalization.
Promote trying new teaching approaches and techniques while reflecting and debriefing with colleagues.
Applications for Spring 2025 must be submitted by 5:00pm Friday, January 24, 2025. Applicants will be notified by Friday, January 31, 2025.
Overview and Timeline
Mentoring pairs are expected to meet five times during the semester, with suggested discussion topics and questions to prompt conversation at each session. Sessions might include looking at teaching materials (such as syllabus, assignment descriptions, and lesson plans, among others), troubleshooting teaching challenges, and other activities determined by the pair.
Possible topics for mentoring pairs to focus on at different sessions may include but are not limited to:
Active Learning
Grading and Feedback
Equitable Classroom Practices
Creating an Inclusive Classroom
Online Learning*
Navigating ECC
Work/life Balance
Career Goals
*For D2L support, specifically, mentoring pairs will be encouraged to communicate and work with ECC’s Distance Learning & Instructional Technology Office.
Note: In order to be meet without distractions, library faculty participants are expected to schedule their 1-on-1 meetings outside of scheduled work time.
Possible Timeline for Fall Pairs
Mentors and Mentees apply for program
Mentor training to discuss responsibilities
Meeting 1: Introductions, Establish Goals
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
Meeting 5: Reflection on Goals and Future Plans
Possible Timeline for Spring Pairs
Mentors and Mentees apply for program
Mentor training to discuss responsibilities
Meeting 1: Introductions, Establish Goals
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
Meeting 5: Reflection on Goals and Future Plans
Mentor and Mentee Roles
Mentors should be tenured FTF or UA1 or UA2 faculty.
Role & Expectations
Attend one initial 60 minute training session to prepare for being a mentor in the program.
Prepare for 1 on 1 sessions by finding appropriate resources to discuss with mentee and preparing questions to prompt discussion.
Respond accordingly to questions by doing research and communicating with others at ECC, as necessary.
Document the mentee's goals and progress in the pair's Goals Form. Failing to take notes in the Goals Form may result in not being invited to participate in future semesters.
One hour at the Committee Appointment and Participation rate identified in article 8.15 of the ECCFA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for attending a 60 minute training session, currently $28 per hour.
Five one hour mentoring sessions at the Lane 2, Step 2 rate of the Unit Adjunct Faculty II Librarian Salary Schedule identified in Appendix A-3 of the CBA, currently $48.84 per hour or $244.20 total.
Mentors receive compensation at the end of the semester, after recording their session notes in their pair's ECC Teaching Pairs Plan document.
All faculty are welcome to apply to be a mentee. However, preference will be given to adjunct faculty within their first three years of teaching at ECC, faculty within their first semester of teaching online at ECC, and to faculty with little formal training in education.
Mentees should currently be teaching at least one course at ECC.
Role & Expectations
Prepare for 1 on 1 sessions by considering topics and questions you’d like to discuss.
Provide teaching materials to the mentors; such as syllabus, assignment descriptions, instructional videos, and others; as is helpful for one-on-one meetings. Discussions of any materials shared are not part of the official ECC evaluation process, as detailed in the Faculty Evaluation Handbook, and will not be shared with anyone outside of the mentoring pair.
To support their reflection in the program and help determine additional resources that would help, mentees are asked to record notes and reflections throughout the semester in an ECC Teaching Pairs Mentee Journal. Failing to take notes and provide reflections in the Mentee Journal may result in not being invited to participate in future semesters.
One-hour mentoring sessions at the Committee Appointment and Participation rate identified in article 8.15 of the ECCFA CBA for attending five* one-hour mentoring sessions, currently $28 per hour or $140 total
Mentees receive compensation at the end of the semester, after completing their ECC Teaching Pairs Mentee Journal document.
Pairings between mentor and mentee will be made based upon information submitted (application link at the bottom).
NOTE: Everything shared in the mentoring pair, including documents and conversation, is confidential and will not be used for evaluative purposes. Any information gathered from the mentoring pairs will only be used to assess the effectiveness of the ECC Teaching Pairs program. Participation in the ECC Teaching Pairs mentoring program is of a voluntary nature.
Applying to Participate
So long as the qualifications are met, it is up to participants if they would like to apply to be a mentor or mentee within the program. In other words, though mentors are required to be tenured full-time faculty or UA1 or UA2 faculty, tenured full-time faculty or UA1 or UA2 faculty are welcome to apply to be a mentee if they choose.
To apply to participate in the ECC Teaching Pairs program, interested faculty should click on the link below and complete the form below. The input provided will be used to create faculty pairings. Funding will allow for up to 12 pairs for the Spring 2023 semester.
Applications for Fall 2024 must be submitted by 5:00pm Friday, January 24, 2025. Applicants will be notified by Friday, September 31, 2025.