Contractual and Institutional Obligations

Syllabus Requirements and the TLSD Syllabus Template

Contact your Instructional Coordinator/Program Director to request a copy of the Course Outline and department syllabi for all courses you will be teaching. The Course Outline is a formal document outlining the expectations for the course; it can also be accessed via CurricUNET. No login is needed for CurricUNET. Simply select "Courses" from the menu at the top left and choose your course.  Many departments have also developed syllabi for courses to assist with consistency across sections. You may also request from your Dean’s office copies of other instructors' syllabi from previous semesters. They can assist you in seeking permission from other instructors to share these. 

The college has also created a Syllabus Template that new faculty are strongly encouraged to use so that all necessary information is included in the syllabus document. 

TLSD Syllabus Template 

NOTE: Adult Education faculty should contact their program director to discuss syllabus development.

The list below includes the elements that are required to be in every syllabus, as stated in Article 4.31 of the ECCFA Contract

Grade Deadlines

All students must receive a midterm and final grade, regardless of whether the student has stopped attending prior to the end of the semester. Midterm grades are due the Monday after your midterm date (see for a spreadsheet listing all class midterm dates). Final grades are due by the date listed in the official academic calendar (available at All grades, including midterm grades, are entered via AccessECC Portal and available to students there. Students also receive midterm grade notices if receiving a D, F or W. For more information on grading, visit For questions about grading, contact your program director, dean, or associate dean. 

Teaching Evaluations 

Each adjunct instructor (non-unit) will be observed during their first semester. Observations typically happen between September and November. The Instructional Coordinator/Program Director/Dean’s office will contact you to arrange this meeting time. There will be a pre-visit meeting to review expectations and class materials then a post-visit meeting to discuss and document the visit. Contact your Dean or Associate Dean if you have specific questions. For more detailed information about the classroom observation process, all faculty are invited to attend the Faculty Observation & Feedback workshop offered through CETAL each semester. The workshop provides how-tos for those doing the observations and can also be helpful for those being observed. Be on the lookout for registration information via email or in the dates provided on the homepage. 

Student Evaluation of Instruction surveys will also be disseminated to your students via their email address near the end of the term. It is important that you remind students to complete these evaluations, as they provide important feedback on your teaching. You may also allocate 15 minutes of class time to have students complete the student evaluations.  

The results of these tools will be used to determine if you are asked to continue teaching at ECC. It is important for you to familiarize yourself with the criteria included in the Evaluation forms on

Faculty Absences, Class Time, and Field Trips

What if I need to miss a class or am running late?  

Please call your Dean’s Office Coordinator, Director, or Administrative Assistant as soon as possible if you are sick, running late or need to miss a class. It is important that you speak with someone. If you are unable to reach any of these contact people, contact the College Operator at 847-697-1000.

If a substitute is not found, the Division staff will contact students and put a notice on the door of the classroom. It is helpful if you can also email your students. If absences are pre-planned, you must receive approval from the Instructional Coordinator/Program Director/Dean in advance. All substitutions need to be approved by the Dean. 

Can I provide breaks for my class? 

The Office Coordinator has calculated break time into the class meeting schedule. Confirm how much break time has been allocated with the division’s Office Coordinator. In general, if the course is less than two hours there is not a formal break. If the course is two hours or more, schedule a formal break in the middle. 

If I finish my lesson before the class time is over, can I dismiss early? 

Because early dismissal can disrupt other classes and can shortchanges students of their class meeting time, be prepared to fully engage students for the entire class meeting period. It is always helpful to end each class meeting reviewing what was learned, the class meeting objectives, and previewing what will be covered in the next class meeting.

What do I need to do to take my students out of the classroom? 

There is a Field Trip Request form that must be completed for each course if you want to take students off campus. Contact Angela Lucca at for a copy of the form. You must allow at least two weeks for this form to be processed. If taking students to other places on campus, please notify the Division office as well as leave a note with your location in your classroom for students or your Dean. Keep in mind if you are taking your class to the library, you are expected to be present for the entire class time.

Adjunct Faculty Office Hours and Offices

Am I required to maintain office hours? 

Per the ECC Faculty contract, both Unit Adjunct Faculty (UAF) I’s and UAFII’s need to maintain 25 minutes per week for every credit or contact hour. Instructors must submit their hours in writing by the 10th day of instruction for approval by the Dean. Adjuncts who are not part of the faculty union should confirm with their department what the expectation is for office hours. All faculty should notify their students, verbally and via the syllabus, regarding how they can meet with you.

Where are the adjunct faculty offices?  Where can I meet with a student outside of class?  

Adjunct faculty offices are available in most buildings. Faculty typically prefer to be in an office with other adjuncts in their department or near their classroom space. Contact your Dean’s office to request key access to the most appropriate office space for your needs: 

In addition, some buildings have rooms designated for student consultation which may also be used by adjunct instructors for meeting with students. Contact your Dean’s office to inquire if there are any of these near your teaching area.

Teaching Contracts and Payment

Your Dean’s office manages all instructor notices of appointment. Questions about contracts and/or payments may be directed to the Dean’s Office Coordinator.