Day 1 How-Tos

Email Access (and Emailing Students)

How can I email my entire class?  

There are multiple ways to email an entire class. First, there is an email feature available through AccessECC Portal in the Class Roster. Simply click the “Email these Students” link at the top of the roster page. A second option is to email students through the D2L Classlist. Note:  students will not be listed in the Classlist until a few weeks prior to the start of the term. Also, remember that any responses to your email will be returned to your ECC Gmail account so you must log in there to check messages. There is a widget on your D2L homepage that notifies you of Gmail messages received. Accessing this email account can be done through your D2L home page (click Student Mail in the blue tool bar or going directly to  You may also forward to the Gmail account to your employee email address. A third option is to create your own distribution list using your preferred email communication tool.

Keep in mind whichever option you use, be sure to put all recipients in the Blind Copy (BCC) line in order to protect student’s privacy. It is expected faculty will use the student’s ECC issued email address for all correspondence.

How do I access my ECC-issued email accounts? 

ECC faculty are issued two email accounts. Faculty are expected to actively and regularly manage both ECC email accounts. Faculty should not use personal email accounts when conducting ECC business with students or with support offices.

Contact the ECC Information Technology Helpdesk for additional support at 847-214-7979.

Making Copies

How do I make copies?  

You can get copies made for your class in two ways: 

Copy Center Information (located in Bldg. D, Room D101)


7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon.-Thurs.; 

7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Fri. 


Equipment Issues

Who do I contact to fix or request equipment in my classroom?  

It is important to test all equipment in your classroom well before the start of classes, as the Information Technology staff typically is addressing a large number of issues in preparation for the start of the term.  If you have any problems with classroom equipment, contact the Information Technology Helpdesk at x7979,, or via the Help Desk icon on the classroom computer desktop. The same area also provides A/V equipment. Please allow 48 hours advanced notice if possible.