
TLSD Syllabus Template

Contact your Instructional Coordinator/Program Director to request a copy of the Course Outline and department syllabi for all courses you will be teaching. The Course Outline is a formal document outlining the expectations for the course; it can also be accessed via CurricUNET. No login is needed for CurricUNET. Simply select "Courses" from the menu at the top left and choose your course.  Many departments have also developed syllabi for courses to assist with consistency across sections. You may also request from your Dean’s office copies of other instructors' syllabi from previous semesters. They can assist you in seeking permission from other instructors to share these. 

The college has also created a Syllabus Template that new faculty are strongly encouraged to use so that all necessary information is included in the syllabus document. 

TLSD Syllabus Template 

NOTE: Adult Education faculty should contact their program director to discuss syllabus development.

The list below includes the elements that are required to be in every syllabus, as stated in Article 4.31 of the ECCFA Contract

Attendance Policies

What is the attendance policy? 

Be sure to clearly explain your attendance policy (chosen by the instructor or the department/program) in your course syllabus. In addition, check with your Instructional Coordinator/program director or Dean for guidance regarding instructor-specific policies used in your department. Some departments have established attendance policies. In the absence of department policies, the policy is up to each individual faculty member. Instructors should define their attendance policy within their syllabus.

Final Exams 

How do final exams work? 

There is no formal exam week at ECC. Instructors are also not required to administer final exams, unless it is standard department practice. Check with your Instructional Coordinator/Program Director to determine if this is the case. It is expected all faculty will provide instruction to each class through the last scheduled meeting day.