Sample Syllabus Statements

Faculty members are encouraged to adapt these sample syllabus statements to best fit their course structure, teaching style, and students' needs. These statements represent a range of approaches, from strict to flexible, and can be tailored to reflect your personal and pedagogical values. Including your rationale for these policies in your syllabus can help students understand the purpose behind them, fostering transparency and mutual respect. Feel free to customize these statements to create a classroom environment that fits your needs.


Example 1

Our class respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds, identities, and abilities. If you have circumstances that make learning challenging, medical information to share, or need specific arrangements for building evacuations, please inform me early. I am dedicated to creating an effective learning environment for everyone and will keep our discussions confidential. Additionally, contact Student Access and Disability Services for information on specific accommodations.

Example 2

If any aspect of this course impedes your learning or makes you feel excluded, please let me know as soon as possible. Together, we will find strategies to meet your needs and fulfill the course requirements.


Example 1

"You may use AI programs e.g. ChatGPT to help generate ideas and brainstorm. However, you should note that the material generated by these programs may be inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic. Beware that use may also stifle your own independent thinking and creativity. You may not submit any work generated by an AI program as your own. If you include material generated by an AI program, it should be cited like any other reference material (with due consideration for the quality of the reference, which may be poor).  Any plagiarism or other form of cheating will be dealt with severely under relevant Penn policies. ."  Holly Fernandez, University of Pennsylvania

Example 2

"Since writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all writing assignments should be prepared by the student. Developing strong competencies in this area will prepare you for a competitive workplace. Therefore, AI-generated submissions are not permitted and will be treated as plagiarism. Ethics still matter and plagiarism is a serious Salem State University offense." Lis Horowitz, Salem State University

Example 3

"Transparency: When/if you use Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms in your assignments, please write a note to clarify where in your process you used AI and which platform(s) you used. We will discuss this more throughout the semester in class, and you are encouraged to reflect on this in your writing as well. Please note that what the AI writing tools generate is often inaccurate and you may have to exert effort to create something meaningful out of them. I also hope that when the assignment is about reflecting on your own opinion or experience, you will do so."  Maha Bali, American University in Cairo


Example 1

Students are expected to attend class in person as scheduled. If you are sick, email me before class to schedule a required Zoom meeting to discuss coursework. You can miss up to one week’s worth of classes without penalty. Beyond that, your attendance and participation grade will decrease by 10 points for each additional absence or failure to arrange a meeting.

Example 2

Attendance in this class is mandatory. Inform me in advance via email if you need to miss a class. You can miss one class without prior notification. Beyond that, 5 points will be deducted from your overall grade for each additional class missed without proper notification given. 


Example 1

To truly learn, we must remain open to the perspectives of others. Throughout the semester, I encourage you to honor your classmates’ unique viewpoints and value the chance to learn from one another. Please respect each other's opinions and avoid personal attacks or demeaning comments. Additionally, any personal or professional matters shared in class should be kept confidential.

Example 2

Our classroom is a space where all voices are valued and respected, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity in all its forms. As students, you are expected to listen actively, engage thoughtfully with different perspectives, and contribute positively to discussions. As your instructor, I promise to facilitate open and respectful dialogues, ensure diverse viewpoints are represented, and address any form of discrimination or bias promptly.

Example 3

This course is dedicated to maintaining a respectful and supportive atmosphere where every student can thrive and contribute meaningfully. Students are expected to treat their classmates with respect, provide constructive feedback, and help create a supportive learning environment. I am committed to supporting each of you by being accessible for questions or concerns, providing timely and constructive feedback, and fostering a classroom culture where everyone feels safe to express their ideas.

Missing/Late Work

Example 1

All assignments are due on the dates specified on the course calendar. You have a 24-hour grace period during which you can submit your work without penalty. After that grace period, assignments will be deducted 10% per day that they are late. Please contact me if you need more time due to extenuating circumstances.

Example 2

Assignments must be submitted by the dates specified on the course calendar. Late work will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made or there is a documented emergency. Missing deadlines without prior arrangements or documentation will result in a zero for the assignment.

Example 3

You are allowed to submit up to two assignments late without penalty as long as they are submitted within one week of the original due date. For additional late submissions, 5% will be taken off per day late. Please communicate with me if you need further extensions.

Example 4

If you miss an assignment due to illness, a family emergency, or extenuating circumstances, you may submit the late work without penalty. Please notify me as soon as possible so that we can set a new deadline for your makeup work.

Example 5

If you are unable to complete your assignment by the due date you may request an extension. To do so, email me at least 24 hours before the assignment’s due date. 

Example 6

If you are struggling with deadlines, please communicate with me early and often. We can discuss your workload and find solutions that help you stay on track.

Personal Devices

Example 1

All cell phones must be turned off or silenced during class. If you have to take an urgent phone call, please quietly excuse yourself from the classroom before answering your phone.

Example 2

All electronic devices should be silenced during class. You may use laptops or tablets to take notes during class, but phones should be put away. If there is an emergency situation that requires your phone to be on or visible, please notify me at the beginning of class.

Example 3

The use of cell phones is allowed during class activities such as Kahoot! and exit tickets. Cell phones should not be used at any other time during class unless specified by the instructor.


Example 1

Punctuality is vital to your success in this class. You are expected to arrive on time to each class. Three late arrivals will count as one absence. Consistent tardiness will affect your participation grade.

Example 2

Punctuality and attendance are crucial to your success and engagement in this course. However, I would rather you be late than miss the entire class. Please enter quietly and catch up on any missed materials during office hours. Chronic lateness will be addressed on an individual basis if necessary.

Example 3

Your punctuality contributes to your participation grade. Arriving late can result in missing important information and discussions, which can affect your overall performance. If you have to be late for any reason, please do your best to let me know via email as early as possible.

Religious Accommodations

*For your reference, a complete list of  holidays and other days of observation can be found at the EDI Calendar.

Example 1

Part of embracing diversity is recognizing religious holidays and cultural practices. As your instructor, I am dedicated to ensuring that students of all belief systems receive equitable educational opportunities. Please review the course requirements at the start of the semester to identify potential conflicts with assignments, exams, or attendance. Contact me within the first two weeks of class so we can discuss and make necessary adjustments.

Example 2

I have tried to schedule exams to avoid major religious holidays. If an exam or major deadline conflicts with your religious observances, please inform me as soon as possible so we can arrange an alternative.

Example 3

I understand that observing significant religious holidays may affect your ability to attend classes and labs or complete assignments. Please notify me at least one week in advance of any religious conflicts so we can arrange for you to make up course requirements. As long as I receive written notice in advance, you will not face grade penalties for missing exams or assignments due to religious observance, nor will you be marked absent for observing significant religious holidays.